Sunday, 27 January 2008

New Advancement Requirements


All requirements that are new or updated are effective immediately for all scouts unless that Scout started working on those rank requirements before January 1, 2008.

At the web address below you will be able to access all the updates.

Hopefully the link works up their if not just copy the entire web address or go to

These Rank advancement changes are not major things to sweat over, it is just like National reviewing a certain set of Merit Badges each year expect for the fact that it deals with Rank Advancement. These changes are for the betterment and growth of the program.

Don't frown, Yes First Class had the biggest changes but what can you do about it. Yeah you can complain but is that truthfully the best thing to do. These requirements are their to reflect new ideas that are necessary for Boys to learn in order to keep pace with this information superhighway world.

Yours in Scouting
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

District Freezere

Up in the Great Alaska Council which serves the southern half of the state of Alaska, the Tustumena District is getting ready to go on its District Freezere on Febuary 8, 9, and 10. This district serves the Entire Kenai Peinsula up here. Even though my unit is not incharge of running activities I still have a huge list of items to take care of before the campout. Here is what i have to do in order to be ready.
  • File a Tour Permit with Council for the activity
  • Assemble a list of Scouts and Parents who are going
  • Have a Gear check night and make sure scouts have the gear that is appropriate for this outing and make recomendations for additional items. If necessary ensure scouts gather those needed items through their own resources or the Troop resources.
  • Troop Equipment checks
  • Ice Fishing Gear
    • What do the scouts already have
    • What is needed and who needs what
    • Wish List possibilites
  • Food
    • Finalize rough draft of Food list
    • Assign grubmaster
    • Ensure Grubmaster knows numbers and how to get food ready for the weekend.
    • Find out if anybody needs cooking requirements for rank advancement
This is no where a complete list of what I have to do but it is start. Hopefully when I show this to the Senior Patrol Leader, he will realize that being in a leadership position is more than just showing up at weekly meetings and monthly outings, it is about putting in time to ensure their is a successful program.

It seems like a lot but it will all come together relatively quickly, If I focus on these items.

Yours in Scouting
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

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