Now lets get back to the real problem and lets focus in on this subject matter. First off lets look at the primary reasons for youth and adult leaders being lazy. Here is a list of the common excuses i get for being lazy:
- Its boring: Leadership is not just fun and games it will have its boring parts. Knowing how to deal with the boring parts shows that you are capable of being a true leader to your scout group.
- Its not going well: Going well is just a matter of perception. As soon as the leader in the worst conditions looses sight on the positive of the situation he/she has doomed the group to fail. Scouting does accept failure as a option but failure should only be considered a alternative when a group has a safety issue or has exhausted all of the resources of the group.
- Takes up too much time: Yes every leader whether they are a youth or adult are expected to be available when needed in order to execute their power inherently given to them by their position. What I am trying to say is that a leader must spend time outside of the regular meeting in order to be successful at their assigned tasks. Also if you truly broke down your schedule for the week most people would notice that their are probably large chunks of time that are wasted. Learn how to balance things in your life and know when you are using your time adequately in every activity that you engage in.
Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616
Great Alaska COuncil
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
NSJ '05 WSJ '07 Philmont AA '08