Yesterday's meeting went okay. We worked on the Heritage Belt Loop, this went fairly well and we ended up completing three requirements. We did this as a pack wide activity because we only have 10 boys. I think we need to work on doing Activities in Dens or at least partial dens, maybe we could do a Webelos and then a younger scout group because we have almost enough webelos to make a full Den. Also dividing the ages this way will help the older and younger boys get more out of the program. I may sugggest this at the Pack planning meeting coming up this weekend. I think that this would help distribute the weight among all the leaders in the Pack. I believe that the Den leaders need to take a more active role but that is just me. I will discuss this with the other adults this weekend and see what they thhink.
I will keep posting weekly meeting updates for every meeting, in order to ensure I track my progress as leader.
Two important announcements though:
1) No meeting next week because of thanksgiving.
2) Leader Specific Training: I will almost have completed all of my basic training for my position again after December 5. The only thing I will have left to do is outdoor leader training which will occur in the spring.
Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Den Leader Pack 69
Frontier District, Denver Area Council
NSJ '05 Youth Participant '10 Subcamp 7 Youth Staff
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08