Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Interamerican Youth Forum

The 3rd Interamerican Region Youth Forum will be hosted by the Scout and Guide Association of Costa Rica. This event will be held from July 6 to 12 2009. The purpose of this event is to present share and learn from sustainable experiences of youth participation in order to enchace and consolidate youth networks and forums at the local and regional levels. People who are invited include the representatives from NSO's or National Scout Organizations who are participating in the Youth Network have appointed correspondents and this meeting is also open to young people aged 18 to 25 who have shown a interest in youth participation matters, have a broad and general understanding of youth issues relating to participation and decision making, or are familiar with institutional decision making. Obviously this includes a very wide range of people.

This forum will be directed by Daniel Corsen Jr the Youth Network Coordinator and his Deputy Youth Network Coordinators.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616
Great Alaska COuncil
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
NSJ '05 WSJ '07 Philmont AA '08

Cellphones and Scouting

As this world gets more and more technologically inclined we a scouts and scout leaders need to truthfully consider what the purpose of cellphones should be in Scouting. Yes I believe that cell phone use should be allowed in scouting. It is just a matter of teaching the the youth and to appropriately and responsibly use their cell phone. The scouts are just going to bring them anyways so what is the point of banning them. Also they can be very useful. Lets first work on some cellphone etiquette:
  • Cellphones should not be used including the texting feature when a person is speaking to the group. It does not matter whether it is a youth or adult.
  • Put the cellphone on at least vibrate but preferably silent when involved in a Scout meeting.
  • Just because you want to talk or text someone on your phone does not mean that the rest of the world wants to experience or hear the conversation.
Cell Phone User Code
  • I will take full responsibility and not blame anyone else if my phone is damaged, loss, or stolen. The only exception is if a phone is stolen by another scout then appropriate consequences should be used.
  • I will use my cell phone only when appropriate.
  • I will only use my cell phone when I have to. When I have to means it is for communicating information to parents, communicating information to adult leaders or communicating information to other youth members.
  • I will keep my conversation on my phone down. I realize that the whole world does not want to hear my conversation.
  • I will not let my phone become a distraction to myself or others.
  • I realize that if I do not take appropriate percautions on scout outings there is a very high likelihood that the phone will become damaged.
  • I agree that I will not be a show off with my phone because show offs are really just insecure people that have to push others around to feel good.
This code is probably not complete but the point is that cell phones are going to become a part of scouting whether or not we want them to or not. We as leaders must teach our youth how to use the phone just like we teach a new tenderfoot to setup a tent and the rest of his campsite.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616
Great Alaska COuncil
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
NSJ '05 WSJ '07 Philmont AA '08

Planning SOP

I have finally had it with reminding the Senior Patrol Leader that he is expected to plan and execute the meetings. If he is not there then he needs someone else to run the meeting. I am not trying to be negative or derogatory towards my SPL but I really need to do something else in order to ensure he succeeds and the Troop succeeds. The Troop does fine but it would be much better if I had a strong youth leadership team. So my solution is to write a SPL SOP. For those of you who do not know what a SOP is a SOP is a standard operating procedure. Basically I am over the long weekend going to write a SOP that describes the functions of the SPL and what is expected for outings and on a weekly basis. I will probably post this document in multiple parts for others to view once I finish it.

Again let me remind you that this may not be 100% in line with BSA policy but it is what works for our Troop that follows BSA guidelines as closely as possible. Another reminder this solution is just a possible solution for this problem. Hopefully some of you will be able to take the information and use it in your own Troop.

Also if anybody has any suggestions for making scouts perform the planning and logistics aspect of their position it would be greatly appreciated.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616
Great Alaska COuncil
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
NSJ '05 WSJ '07 Philmont AA '08

Also if anyone

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