Sunday, 14 July 2013

Did You Know: TSA Edition #8

Did You Know........

Roller Stones rocker Keith Richards credits Scouts with nurturing his music career. "I got to be Patrol Leader within six weeks.............I just shot to the top. Once I had a bunch of guys together, it doesn't matter if it was Scouts or a band, I could see my way clear to pull all their various talents together".


Yours in Scouting Service
Mark West
Eagle Scout
ASM Troop 1316/Troop 0669
Council Aquatics/Outdoor Ethics
Council Program/Training/Camping

If you are paid to do Scouting, you are called a professional. If you are not paid to do Scouting, you are called a Volunteer. If you pay to do Scouting, then you are called a Scouter.

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