Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Panamerican Jamboree 2009

The 2009 Pan American Jamboree will take place from December 26, 2009 to January 3 2010. It will be held in the city of Toluca, capital of Mexico.

Here is a brief description of the theme and what the Jamboree is going to be about:
The name of this 13 Pan Jamboree is "The Adventure of the Fifth Element", the setting is a place where the weather gods have been made to teach this man the care of ecological balance. Participants formed tribes regardless of the origin of each and will be directed by the gods. During 8 days living the essence of each element to learn the virtues of each, passing tests and challenges that will give you the final preparation for making the Fifth Element reborn. The birth marked the fifth element of the pact that the man does to nature and the man himself in an atmosphere of brotherhood and tolerance. The Fifth Element reborn in the last minutes of 2009 marked the beginning of a new era in the life of men, full of brotherhood and commitment upon completion of the mission, the gods of the elements return to their original shape and will continue to monitor Man steps to enforce the commitment sealed. Mexico is the perfect place where you can be part of this great adventure. Come and know the journey to the fifth element. You will have four guards who guides you go by introducing a material in a newsletter. These four guidelines help guardians to live an unforgettable experience at this event.

Here is information if you would like to participate or if you know of another scout who would like to participate:

We will be coordinating a national contingent to the 13th Panamerican Scout Jamboree in December 2009, in Toluca, capital city of the state of Mexico. The event is a wonderful opportunity to travel and learn about Mexico in an atmosphere of exploration and adventure and strengthen the Scout brotherhood. The motto of this great event is “Explore our territory, discover your spirit.” More than 8,000 Scouts from around the American continent are expected to attend the nine-day event. Bari Saunders, member of the International Committee, has agreed to serve as the BSA’s contingent leader. Bari and Esther Scoggins, of the BSA International Department, will be contacting those Scouters that have indicated an interest in attending this event. Do you have someone from your council interested in attending? Please contact Esther Scoggins at

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616
Great Alaska COuncil
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
NSJ '05 WSJ '07 Philmont AA '08

Scouts of the WOrld Interamerican Seminar

This Seminar is planned to give a detailed presentation of the chracteristics, objectives and forms of operation of the Scouts of the World Award that is designed for use in the Venturing Section of the BSA> The BSA has currently not adopted the Scouts of the World Recognition program. Also in a fair amount of countries venturing is known as Rovering. The agenda for this event will include:
  • Theory of the Award
  • Examples of Successful Practices
  • Ideas that have proven effective in promoting the Award
  • Ideas that have proven effective in developing the Award.
  • Specific contributions for implementation at the National Level
This Seminar will be given by Andres Morales who is the Unit Manager for the Adolescents and Young Adults Education Research and Development of the World Scout Bureau, Central Office, Geneva, Switzerland.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616
Great Alaska COuncil
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
NSJ '05 WSJ '07 Philmont AA '08

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