Paradoxical Commandments
of Leadership:
Commandment #1:
People are Illogical, Unreasonable...
and Self-Centered...
Love them Anyway;
Commandment #2:
If you do Good, People will Accuse...
you of Selfish Ulterior Motives...
Do Good Anyway;
Commandment #3:
If you are Successful, you will Win...
False Friends and True Enemies...
Succeed Anyway;
Commandment #4:
The Good you do Today will...
be Forgotten Tomorrow...
Do Good Anyway;
Commandment #5:
Honesty and Frankness make...
You Vulnerable...
be Honest and Frank Anyway;
Commandment #6:
The Biggest Men with the Biggest Ideas...
can be Shot Down by the Smallest Men...
with the Smallest Minds...
Think Big Anyway;
Commandment #7:
People favor Underdogs, but...
Follow Only Top Dogs...
Fight for a Few Underdogs...
Commandment #8:
What you Spend years Building...
May be Destroyed Overnight...
Build Anyway;
Commandment #9:
People really Need Help but may...
Attack you if you do Help Them...
Help People Anyway;
Commandment #10:
Give the World the Best you have...
and you'll get Kicked in the Teeth...
Give the World the Best you have Anyway;