February 12, 2008 Meeting Review
During tonights meeting I worked with the newer scouts on advancment and getting them use to how a Boy Scout Troop should function. I started out by telling them how the organization works. Since one of the new scouts cam from cub scouts I made many connections to the cub scout program so he would understand. For the other new scout that was not involved with scouts before I told him from the very basic level. Tonight the requirements we got to after the Troop introduction was that of the rules of safe hiking and the buddy system in scouting. Even though this does not seem like a lot of information, I was able to spend 45 minutes on this task.
The older scouts tonight worked on the communications Merit Badge with the MB counselor. With this counselor they just reviewed the information with her, so I need the counselor to fill out and sign merit badge cards for each scout that participated in this activity tonight. I will make sure this is taken care of within the next two weeks.
Also even though the SPL did not have to do much tonight, I think that he is starting to get a clearer picture of what he needs to do. Hopefully next week I will be able to sit down with the SPL and work on developing some leadership skills, since the scoutmaster will be back and we will be able to work on other stuff without having me or the SPL their.
Well as you can see we had a fairly good meeting that was in line with how scouting is suppose to be run and had a fairly productive night.
Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616