Monday, 25 January 2010

Boy Scouts Youtube Day

Lets try and get as many people on youtube as possible for the Birthday of the BSA. In case you did not know the birthday of the BSA falls on February 8. This year in particular is important because we are celebrating 100 years in case you didn't know already.

So lets get as many people on youtube as possible on this Day, this is going to require us to communicate this to a very large audience and very quickly. Maybe we could get a video on the front page of youtube, this will only happen if you tell everyone that you know. So lets spread the word through twitter, myspace, facebook, blogs, emails, text messages, phone calls, scout meetings, and through any other medium you can think of.

Lets not wait until the 8th to spread the word, lets start spreading it know.

This idea was taken from Scoutmaster Steve of A Scoutmaster's Blog and producer of Melrose Scouting Production Podcasts.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Den Leader Pack 69
Frontier District, Denver Area Council
NSJ '05 Youth Participant '10 Subcamp 7 Youth Staff
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08

AB100 Austin Texas

Here it comes, here it comes the 5th stop of the Adventure Base 100 it will be in Austin Texas on January 30 to January 31. Here are some more specifics of this event.

Exact Location: The Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum -- The Story of Texas -- is located at 1800 N. Congress Avenue at the intersection of Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. in downtown Austin, Texas. With close proximity to Interstate Highway 35 and MoPAC Expressway (Loop 1), the Museum is easy to access.

Dates and Times:

January 30 10 am to 4 pm
January 31 1 pm to 4 pm

Special Events on This Day besides the AB100 campus include:
  • "Cast Iron Chef" Cooking Competition Saturday 11am-1pm: Which troop is tops when it comes to Dutch Oven cooking? We're giving 25 troops a chance to take home bragging rights as "Cast Iron Chef" champs. Yes, there's a trophy. Don't want to compete? No problem - just enjoy the samples.
  • "100 Gallons" Blood Drive Sunday: As a part of our council's celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Scouting, we're partnering with the Blood Center of Central Texas to collect 100 gallons of blood donations. Help us save lives and give blood at the Adventure Base 100 Tour. You can earn a special 100th Anniversary patch for donating!
  • Eagle rededication ceremony Sunday 3pm: At your Eagle Court of Honor, you recited the Eagle Scout Promise – a call to hold yourself to a standard higher than even the Scout Law and Oath. During this ceremony, Eagles will renew their commitment to this promise – and get to visit with other Eagles living in our council service area. All Eagles, no matter when or where you earned the rank, are invited to take part.

Further Information:

AB100 website: click here.

BSA Capital Area Council (Event Host Council): click here.

Bob Bullock Texas History Museum Scouts Page: click here.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Den Leader Pack 69
Frontier District, Denver Area Council
NSJ '05 Youth Participant '10 Subcamp 7 Youth Staff
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08

Video of the Week

Here is the video for AB100 promo for the Las Vegas Stop. The pattern lately seems that they are going to be about 1 stop behind on videos, which is fine with me, just thought I would let you guys know. Also this video has the highest quality yet, it is almost to the too perfect level for youtube. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Den Leader Pack 69
Frontier District, Denver Area Council
NSJ '05 Youth Participant '10 Subcamp 7 Youth Staff
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08

Monday, 18 January 2010

AB100 Sacramento

Ladies and Gentlmen, I am please to announced the location of the 4th of 40 stops around the country of AB100 or Adventure Base 100. The newest tool in the ever expanding tool box of the BSA to recruit and grow our membership ranks throughout 2010. This recruitment campaign is designed to bring our membership numbers back up to a all time high of over 4 million youth. This is a ambitious goal and one that requires everyone to participate in order to make a difference.

Lets get back to the focus now which is the location of the 4th stop of the AB100 2010 tour. This stop is located in Scramento, California and will be held in conjunction with the International Sportmens Exposition which is a series of sport shows that goes around the country and brings out thousands of sports enthusiasts to learn about the newest and greatest equipment, travel packages, and hunting and fishing trips from around the world. The address for the AB100 stop in sacramento is that of:

Cal Expo, State Fairgrounds
1600 Exposition Blvd.
Sacramento, Ca. 95815

The hours of operation will be as follows:

Thursday January 21- 11:00 am to 8:00 pm
Friday January 22- 11:00 am to 8:00 pm
Saturday January 23- 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Sunday January 24- 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Den Leader Pack 69
Frontier District, Denver Area Council
NSJ '05 Youth Participant '10 Subcamp 7 Youth Staff
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Dale Coyne Racing BSA Parternership

A new partnership has formed between Dale Coyne Racing and the Boy Scouts of America. The Deal is that Dale Coyne Racing will use a Boy Scout themed Race Car in Indy Racing Series. The car this year along will be feature in 17 different races. These races will include 4 out of country races, with the rest of the races being in the United States. The four out of country races include 2 in Canda, 1 in Brazil, and 1 in Japan. This program will continue past the 100th anniversary celebration in 2010. Hopefully this program will last at least 10 years, who knows, it just depends on who is willing to sponsor something like this. This program does not cost the BSA anything and was made possible through a generation donation by the Coyne Foundation.

Local Councils where races are held are encourage to engage in a special program in regards to this partnership.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Den Leader Pack 69
Frontier District, Denver Area Council
NSJ '05 Youth Participant '10 Subcamp 7 Youth Staff
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08

AB100 Las Vegas

Unlike the previous 2 stops of the AB100 tour this stop in Las Vegas Nevada will be held in conjunction with a event called Scout Quest. If you need a complete description of AB100 activities and what is available please click here.

Scout Quest is opportunity for Scouts to Tour Springs Preserve, participate in demonstrations and activities, and if you are a Boy Scout, earn a Merit Badge. To earn a Merit Badge scouts must participate in a session on Friday and Saturday and also complete the prerequisites. More information about the merit badges offered can be found here: click here.

Scout Quest Hours on Friday are from 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm and on saturday from 9:00 am to 6 pm. AB100 hours of operation on friday are 4 pm to 8 pm and on saturday from 9 am to 6 pm. This stop is also unlike other stops because this stop is only for two days which include Friday January 15, 2010 and Saturday January 16, 2010. The address for Springs Preserve is that of 333 S. Valley View Blvd. at US 95. The host council is that of the Las Vegas Area Boy Scout Council.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Den Leader Pack 69
Frontier District, Denver Area Council
NSJ '05 Youth Participant '10 Subcamp 7 Youth Staff
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Video of the Week #2

AB100 Video for the Pasadena, California stop. The first stop of the AB 100 nationwide tour which will end on thanksgiving at the Thanksgiving Macy Days Parade.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Den Leader Pack 69
Frontier District, Denver Area Council
NSJ '05 Youth Participant '10 Subcamp 7 Youth Staff
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08

Video of the Week #1

AB100 aka adventure base 100, the Dome Show, which is to help promote and make people realize what scouting is all about.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Den Leader Pack 69
Frontier District, Denver Area Council
NSJ '05 Youth Participant '10 Subcamp 7 Youth Staff
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08

Adventure Base 100

For this weekend which Includes January 8 through the 10 Adventure Base 100 will be in San Diego, California. The exact location that of the Westfield Mission Valley Mall in San Diego at the corner of the Macy’s and AMC 20 Theater parking lot.

There is not cost to attend this event and everyone scouts and non-scouts alike can participate. The hours are:
  • Friday 10:30am - 6pm
  • Saturday 10am - 6pm
  • Sunday 11am - 6pm
A press release of this adventure base 100 event can be found at: click here.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Den Leader Pack 69
Frontier District, Denver Area Council
NSJ '05 Youth Participant '10 Subcamp 7 Youth Staff
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08

Friday, 1 January 2010

Tournament of Roses Parade

For the first time in 60 years the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America or more commonly known as corporate BSA for those outside the program, participated in the 2010 Rose Bowl Parade.

The BSA ended up winning the float Award of the National Award. This award is award to a float that has the best depiction of life in America, past, present or future. The theme for this Float was that of "Celebrating the Adventure, Continuing the Journey".

A fully newspaper press story of this historic moment of the BSA can be found here.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Den Leader Pack 69
Frontier District, Denver Area Council
NSJ '05 Youth Participant '10 Subcamp 7 Youth Staff
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08

Adventure Base 100

Here is the description of what this 100th anniversary event is all about:

Experience Scouting like never before with Adventure Base 100! Created specifically for the 100th Anniversary Celebration, Adventure Base 100 is traveling the country to give people an exciting, hands-on view of the history and future of the Boy Scouts of America.

This 10,000 square foot campus features immersive Scouting experiences including a ropes course and zip line, interactive digital exhibits, a multi-sensory IMAX-like dome, and more! It will also house a traveling museum that will showcase real artifacts from the National Scouting Museum in Irving, Tex.

Starting at the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, Calif. in January, and ending at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York in November, this magnificent traveling exhibit will stop at key events and locations in more than 40 cities. Check back for updates on Adventure Base 100 activities in your city!

Scouts and Scouters, want to know how you can be part of the action? Click here to find the BSA council in your area. Help us bring the campus to life as an Adventure Base 100 volunteer!

For this weekend which Includes January 1 through the 3 Adventure Base 100 will be in Pasadena, California. The exact location is that of the Showcase of Floats in the parking median float-viewing area across from Pasadena High School. The sponsoring Council is that of San Gabriel Valley Council.

A press release of this adventure base 100 event can be found at: click here.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Den Leader Pack 69
Frontier District, Denver Area Council
NSJ '05 Youth Participant '10 Subcamp 7 Youth Staff
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08

Welcome to 2010

Scouts, Scouters, Alumni, and other interested parties welcome to the year 2010. If you have not heard the big news, this will be the year that the BSA celebrates their 100th birt hday. The Scout movement which began in the UK actually started 3 years earlier than us in 1907 in case you wanted to know.

Well lets see here, if you haven't already, today is the perfect day to set goals which on this day in particular are more formally known as New Year Resolutions. One of the best ways to set goals is to use the "SMART" model to set your goals. This helps you think practically and realistically, making sure you can actually achieve your goals. Goal setting is very important it allows growth and makes people more oriented to success. I would suggest making a comment to your unit about what goals are, what type of things can be goals, and how to make sure you set goals you follow through with.

Here are my goals for 2010, 2 of them are not scouting related.

1. Improve my fitness level. This may be for a scouting related reason aka the NSJ 2010 but in truth this is a personal goal. Lets take a moment to define what I mean by improve fitness level, first off I need to loose weight, specifically by the Jamboree I want to be less than 175 which I believe is possible since right know I weight approximately 193. Also I need to improve my cardiovascular endurance level.

2. Maintain at least a 3.5 GPA in college for the spring semester. Right now I have a 3.6 something, I forget off the top of my head my exact GPA but that is okay. That means I will have to spend more time studying and focusing on school.

3. Growth my Scout Unit. I am currently working with a cub scout pack that has only 10 people. I need to double this by the end of this year. I also need to recruit 3 more adult leaders that are fully trained.

4. Increase Scout Unit Communications. I need to work on developing a better system for getting a hold of my pack and my den members. This could by through more efficient use of a phone tree, e-mail list, or newsletter.

Those are my goals for 2010 and wish me luck.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Den Leader Pack 69
Frontier District, Denver Area Council
NSJ '05 Youth Participant '10 Subcamp 7 Youth Staff
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08

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