Wednesday, 22 May 2013

May 2013 Quick Update

Okay, okay, okay, I am pretty bad about this regular posting thing but I'm hoping to write more often, as Scouting for me has been extremely complicated and extremely busy. However unlike normal where I promise to do better, I'm not going to promise anything about post frequency as that seems to detract from the whole point of this blog. First off though I need to deal with a few administrative items before jumping into my May 2013 Update, which include:

1) Membership Resolution: I will not be covering this issue even though it is one of the biggest challenges going on in the Boy Scouts of America today. All I will say is that I am going to be glad once this whole process is over because maybe, just maybe we can get out of the negative media spotlight that has seemed to be around constantly for too long. Therefore, I am asking all to not bring up anything to do with the membership policy as only doing so will just further complicate an already complicated enough situation.

2) Comment Posting: Recently you may have noticed I switched the background system I use for commenting from the standard Blogger Commenting Interface to a service provider known as Disqus. The purpose for this switch was to provide me with more feedback in order to improve the reach of my audience that regularly visits the blog. I hope you find it easier to use, as it connects to all the various major social networking sites with just a few clicks. However, as part of my continuous quality improvement process I need some feedback and would greatly appreciate comments or concerns you have with this commenting system.

3) Post Contributors: Unlike before, I am going to be allowing guest posters to highlight a post from their blog, from another persons blog with permission of course, or finally create original content for the blog. If you would like to contribute to the blog or suggest a new topic that you would like to be covered please email me at:

For now that is all the administrative items I would like to cover at this point, but also please be on the look-out for another post with administrative updates in the near future that will hopefully improve and build upon the quality of my blog.

Yous in Scouting Service
Mark West
ASM Troop 1316/0669
UC/ADC Denali and Eklutna Districts
Council Program/Aquatics/Training Committees
Council Camping/Outdoor Ethics Committees

If you are paid to do Scouting, you are called a Professional. If you are not paid to do Scouting, you are called a Volunteer. If you pay to do Scouting, then you are called a Scouter.

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