Thursday, 18 June 2009

Arrowmen in Action

Arrowmen In Action: Living Life To The Fullest

HarrisonFor many Arrowmen, giving back to the community means picking and completing one project or working closely with a few groups. But for Russell Harrison—an Eagle Scout and Arrowman from Colonneh Lodge in Houston, Texas—giving back means helping many groups with a variety of tasks both big and small. “Being a community volunteer is part of Russell’s life whether it is through scouting or on his own,” says his mother, Susan Harrison.

[Arrowmen In Action] When Russell is not taking part in troop activities or working with his chapter’s drum and singing team, he is helping elsewhere around the community. A few things he does includes volunteering with Kindergarteners at a local school, working the sound board for his church and taking part in conservation projects to encourage recycling. “These activities he has participated in have grown into an impressive array of support he has shown for thousands,” his mother said. Some of Russell’s favorite volunteer activities include working on the George Ranch, a living history museum, where he can work in the blacksmith shop, the Stock farm or the sharecropper farm. His interest in history has also led him to work with the local railroad museum. He spends so much time that some of their promotional material even features his picture.

His mother says that his motivation comes from his faith. “Russell’s faith is a very big part of his life.” He is active in the youth group at St. John’s United Methodist Church where he helps take food to elderly church members, makes care packages for the homeless and helps host the vacation Bible school, among other things.

Despite his involvement in scouts and his commitment to many other organizations, Russell still uses the power of one to give back to his community…how can you use it to help others?

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616
Great Alaska COuncil
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
NSJ '05 WSJ '07 '11 Philmont AA '08

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