Wednesday 26 March 2008

After Meeting Review

Troop 1616 After Meeting Review
March 18, 2008

No Meeting Was held due to the occurrance of Spring Break
March 25, 2008
Meeting was held and this meeting was primarily a planning meeting. We worked on determining the April Outing and the details for Scout-O-Rama. Scout-O-Rama is a recruiting and promotions event done in the community were units from all over the district come together to promote their unit to other scouts and the general public. This event is going to occur on April 26, 2008. The theme chosen for the both for this event will be that of lashings. The three lashings the Troop will be focusing on include square, diagional, and round lashings. Also their will be whipping and fusing of rope. If the Troop has time to develop the skill splicing of the rope will also be included. The senior patrol leader was not at the meeting so I do not have to rate any leaders except for myself and I am not going to say too much because it will probably be too biased. The SPL was considered excused from his duties and the reason for his absence will be noted in the log. I think that I could have done a lot better with keeping the group moving and more involved by asking not so many general questions but more specific questions towards specific questions. Do not be as general as I was being it only creates confusion, yes it is important to provide opportunities for the Troop to discuss the topic but when the Troop does not want to engage and you have to get something done then the leader needs to start realizing that he/she may have to take a more direct approach. The April outing is going to be a advancement work and Scout-O-Rama prep campout.

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