Sunday 15 March 2009

Four Styles of Leadership- Part B

Obviously using only four different styles of leadership is not going to work all of the time. These are not guaranteed methods but are methods that should give a new leader a starting place to work with. People can fill multiple books full of information on the different styles of leadership, I am just focusing on the most basic styles that work well within the scouting program. Again these are not solve all strategies and should not bbe treated as the solution to every situation that will come up.

The Persuading Style of Leadership

: This style of leadership is best when used with scouts who learned the skill but have not made it into their own practice. They still need conviencing that it is the way to accomplish the task. A Leader with this style is suppose to help them try out their new knowledge on their own, offering help on a as needed basis and praise for any degree of achievement.

Used Well:
Jack the patrol setup tents as a group on our last campout. I think you can do it yourself this time, Pick a good site, pitch your tent and if you need any help I'll be over here with the new guys.

Used poorly: Setup that stove by yourself, I am busy.

The delegating Style of Leadership

This style of leadership should be used when the leader knows that the assigned task can be completed. The leader empowers others to use their skills and knowledge to complete tasks responsibly and successfully.

Used Well: Mike you are really good at your knots and I need you to sit through the knots class to help the instructor teach the new scouts the knots, would you go help them.

Used Poorly: Hey charlie I know it is going to be boring for you but you are supposed to go sit trough that first aid demonstration to help the instructor teach the class.

Hopefully this is a good start for youth leaders. These are the first four styles of leadership that I usually try to get the new youth leaders to practice because once they have these four styles under control then the group will function fairly smoothly and effectively and the trainer can start focusing on the finer points of the leadership development continum. Obiviously this continum does not end and is a life long journey but the fact remains the trainer has to start somewhere.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616
Great Alaska COuncil
Eagle Scout OA Brotherhood Member
NSJ '05 WSJ '07 Philmont AA '08

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