Sunday 30 December 2007

Why Do I choose to be a Leader for the Scouting Movement

Why Am I a Leader?

I'm not a Scout Leader for the easy hours, high pay, parents' gratitude, power or prestige.
Scouting is definitely not and never will be only a hour a week commitment if you are truly fulfilling your duties as a leader. Yeah we all will joke about how long scout takes out of us on a weekly basis. For me personally the meeting maybe be scheduled for 1.5 hours but for me I usually end up have a two hour meeting. Then sometime during the week on one or multiple occassions I am on the phone for a average of 30 minutes per week. Then working on one of the continually going scout projects that I have usually will take another 4 hours out of my week. So the minium that I spend for scouting per week is 6.5 hours and that does not include weeks I have a service project or campout. That may be a minium that I figured out but the true number is about 15 hours per week. You may not believe it but it is true.

I'm a Leader because I want the world for other scout whether or they are related to me.
Yeah I know that even though I have a huge potential I may never change the world but a scout that I have influenced could grow up with the nurturing provided in the scouting environment to create a radical new idea. I may be foster the next hero or I could end up fostering the next super villian of the world, so I must always watch what I am doing even when I think no body is looking.

A world they can share and help shape: a world of love and laughter where they can show compassion.
Compassion is such a wonderful gift when humanity has learned how to use it. In scouting we have the ability to teach young boys just like me the great joy of laughter. Laughter to me allows me to temporarily escape reality and delve into my own perfect world. Laughing about something instead of just getting made at a subordinate can be the greatest tool in arsenal when you appropriately. I can not give you a textbook definition for when it is appropriate to use the tool but I am sure you can figure it out for yourself.

I want to help them learn to finish anything they start and do it well and to guide them to know their self-worth with a deeper understanding of themselves.
Society has grown to become a quitter society and I am definitely guilty of just getting up and walking away from my problems instead of facing them straight on. If their is a skill that I could perfect in my self and others that would be developing self confidence in all areas of life, even the ones that make you freak out at the mention of their name. Being a quitter will dig you deeper into a hole that you will not be able to get out of. I know that some habits you just want to give up and get rid of but to me the appropriate word is not quitting the habit it is erasing the habit from your memory.

I want to help shape men and women who have strength of character and are sensitive to the needs of others.
One of the hardest areas in my life to deal with and for other teens to deal with is that of being sensitive to the needs of others, especially of those who are close to us. Instead of playing the blame, lets first stop, back away from the situation you are involved in, and develop a appropriate solution. When examining the situation remember to try to understand where the other person is coming from and why he/she believes what they do. Also do not let society step on your character. Stand up for what you think is right even if you are standing alone because as soon as you submit to the other person's idea, the sooner you loose track of who you truly are.

I want them to be the best they can be - whether as career people or tradesmen, young adults who are the hearts of the family.
Whatever you are doing or are going to do in your life, do it to the best of your ability. Doing something to the best of your ability means that you are putting your mind and all of your heart into meeting the objective or overcoming the obstacle. we as the leaders of the scout movement are here to support you in whatever activities you choose even if it means that you are not a very active scout. we must respect your wishes and you should respect ours to the best of your ability as well.

In giving my time and myself I reap rewards far beyond what I give. I receive a better world for my children and future generations.
To me the rewards can not be sorted into a monetary value. If someone tried to put a price tag on the rewards of me being a leader in this movement, their is no sum of money that could be brought forward to replace the feeling I get when I am leading, learning, and teaching as a scout leader. Every leader and follower in this world can allows learn a new skill, you must just have a open mind and heart. Allow the opportunity to learn to rush in and embrace it no matter what happens.

I'm a Scout Leader because I care.

Hopefully this makes sense and you are not thinking that I am just trying to sound smart as a teenager.

Yours in scouting
Mark W
Troop 1616
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster

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