Sunday 27 April 2008

PLC Meeting

Patrol Leaders Council Meeting
April 27, 2008
This Patrol Leaders Council meeting is the first youth based planning meeting this Troop has had for a long time. The reason this occurred this way was because of the fact that the adults did not want to give as much power to the youth as they should have. I am not going to name specific people at fault but the fact remains that not letting the youth do their job as a member of the Patrol Leader's Council is the same as just giving out requirements. I do not believe the youth are at fault because the adults allowed this to happen because they felt the youth leaders that were used were not capable in their position but I have found that fact to be untrue. Back to the meeting, the PLC group accomplished planning 5 meetings and assigning tasks to the various people who could easily complete the assignment. This took approximately a 1 and 40 minutes to complete. The other 20 minutes of the 2 hour PLC meeting was spent working on outing issues and upcoming important dates briefing.

Yours in Scouting Service
Mark W
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Troop 1616

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